Sustainability at PIER Investment Partner
We are aware of the importance of ESG as a trustee, as a user and service provider of real estate, and as an employer. Real estate is a major contributor to carbon emissions and therefore plays a particularly important role in achieving global climate goals. Deeply convinced that joint, global action is necessary, we support the EU climate goals and align our corporate governance as well as our products and services accordingly.
What we offer
For a long time, sustainability was what everyone wanted it to mean. But now there are concrete guidelines and pioneering products. European Green Deal, EU Taxonomy Regulation, EU Disclosure Regulation and delegated acts. What does this mean for the real estate industry? Articles 8 and 9, CRREM path, decarbonisation, circularity. What is behind the terms? How does sustainable investment work? How to deal with new reporting requirements? We don't know everything, but we are constantly learning and developing into a competence centre for ESG issues in real estate.
We can already offer our clients the following solutions:
- Investment in our Article 8 and Article 9 funds
- Access to attractive projects with high building standards
- Project management for revitalisation and energy-efficient refurbishment
- Strategy development and implementation for existing buildings: "Manage-to-ESG-Core", i.e. we develop a concept that is not only ecological but also economic, which minimises or averts the risk of stranded assets, taking into account the CRREM process, e.g. by converting to renewable energies or reducing energy requirements as a result of structural measures
What we do ourselves
Together with our parent company Ten Brinke, we are currently developing a sustainability strategy for our group. Based on the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN, concrete targets are being developed that will be pursued and measured in the future. Since the company was founded, we have set high standards for sustainable action and already offer our customers sustainable investment products and solutions for revitalising existing buildings.
We are at the beginning of a long journey. Our environmental aspirations and goals are constantly evolving. This involves the following topics, among others
- Requirements of our own sites and offices
- Increasing energy efficiency
- Conservation of resources
- Waste avoidance
- Proportion of e-cars and hybrid vehicles in company cars
- Increase in recyclable office equipment
As a fiduciary, conscious action with a sense of proportion is firmly rooted in our corporate culture. We see this as the best prerequisite and good basis for developing and pursuing future guidelines for action.
We offer our employees the best possible working conditions and attach great importance to positive interaction, in which equal opportunities, tolerance, the compatibility of work and family and diversity are in the foreground.
We promote social projects by giving each employee one day per year to pursue a social activity voluntarily and free of charge.
The Ten Brinke Group also has its own foundation for charitable purposes.
The corporate governance of PIER Investment Partners follows the principles of ISO standard 26000
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Ethical behaviour
- Respect for stakeholders
- Respect for the rule of law
- Respect for international standards of conduct
- Respect for human rights
We are signatories to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and follow the industry-related recommendations for action of the BVI and ZIA associations.